Upper and Lower Niagara River Dive Shore dives (RER A)
2023 Sept. 2nd -3rd
Drift dives on the Niagara River, this may be a 1- or 2-day event.
Sign-up for this dive here
Number of divers: 20
Number of Dives: 4-5 over 2 days
Cost: All SUCI Divemaster Free; Divers – $20.00
Recent Experience Rating (RER): A
Divemaster: Raimund
Emergency Assistance Plan
EMS Information for Scuba Injuries: Hand to EMS
Directions to Actual Dive Site
Directions to Marina Restaurant
The Niagara River is a great site for drift diving, with many entry points, including one that allows you to view a beautiful sunken barge. Good visibility is weather dependent and the dives are confirmed a few days prior to the weekend based on the recent winds. There is an abundance of large fish, including muskie, bass, pickerel, carp, sturgeon and sheepshead. A 5 mm wet suit is generally enough thermal protection as the Niagara River is relatively warm, 21C or 70F. Wearing gloves is recommended as there are plenty of zebra mussels, which could cut your hands. Don’t forget to bring extra weights just in case. Depths vary from 20 -60 feet. A dive flag and a dive light (for experienced divers considering a night dive) are required. We plan to do two dives on Saturday and possibly a night dive. Sunday will also be comprised of two dives. This is an extremely fun weekend for all levels of divers and is a must do for all SUCI members.
Reservations can be made at Riverside Park campground. After the second drift dive on Saturday and dropping off tanks for filling, we will proceed to the campsite for our potluck BBQ & picnic. A night dive on Saturday is a possibility – so plan your air tanks accordingly and bring lights if interested.
Tank Refills:
Fort Erie Underwater Recovery Unit
Dan’s Dive Shop in Ste. Catherines
Riverside Park, 13541 Niagara River Parkway, Niagara Falls, 905 382-2204
Howard Johnson’s
Comfort Inn