Scarborough, Ontario
Attendance is limited to 12 participants on a first-paid, first-served basis, so sign up early. When all spots are filled, further registrations will automatically go onto our waitlist for our next event, or if a spot opens up.
Our DSD Program is a fun, inexpensive, exciting, and learning-packed introduction to scuba diving. Once you’ve gone on your DSD Adventure, you’ll know immediately if you want to continue with our Open Water Diver Course to become a certified scuba diver.
SUCI holds its DSD Adventure events on the 4th Wednesdays of every March and September. DSD Adventure events run from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.. Registration will close at 5:00 p.m. on the preceding Wednesdays. IMPORTANT: After your Discover Scuba Diving Adventure, you’ll need to wait at least 12 hours (preferably 24+ hours) before ascending to altitude (e.g. flying, mountain climbing, etc.).
We hold our DSD Adventures in the Training Pool at the Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre (TPASC) at 875 Morningside Avenue, just south of Highway 401.
The cost is $135 per person, payable in full before close of registration. We accept eTransfer (preferred), cheque, or cash. Here’s what you get for your money:
*This eCard is not a certification card that allows you to dive independently. If you wish to dive independently, you will first need to successfully complete SUCI’s Open Water Diver Certification course.
You’ll learn the essentials of scuba diving and experience the thrill of what it’s like to breathe under water.
You’ll need to provide your swimsuit, a t-shirt or shortie wetsuit to wear under your scuba equipment, a towel, and your sense of adventure!
Refund ONLY if a) you cancel before close of DSD registration, AND b) you have not started your DSD eLearning.
Absolutely YES! SUCI has partnered with UTSC in delivering excellence in scuba education and training since the 2015 Pan Am Games
Adults (18 years of age and older) may sign up on their own.
Minors aged from 10 to 17 must be signed up by their parent/guardian who must be a Full (Certified Diver) SUCI Member, and who must accompany their minors for the duration of the program.
If you just want to try scuba diving with a minimal commitment of time (~3 hours) and money ($135), and aren’t 100% sure that you want to become a certified scuba diver, then sign up for Discover Scuba. If however, you are 100% certain that you want to become a certified scuba diver and are good with the greater time and money commitment, then sign up for SUCI’s Open Water Diver Course.
Simple, just sign up and pay in full for SUCI’s Open Water Diver Course before close of registration, procure your own mask, snorkel, fins, wetsuit, and weight belt with weights, and complete the required OWD Course eLearning by the next pool night.
How do I find out more information?