2023 August 5th- 6th
Brockville Charter dives
Sign-up for this dive here
Recent Diving experience (RER): C
Divemaster: Mike McCabe
Cost: $250.00 for members; $150.00 DM
Total number of Dives: 4-5

Divemaster: Mike McCabe
Description: The St. Lawrence River, the main shipping route for centuries, where hundreds of vessels met their fate. From wooden schooners with cargo of grain or coal. From the warships of the early 1800’s to modern day freighters, today we see them lying along the river bottom, waiting to be explored. Diving in Brockville can be considered warm(er) diving for its geographical location. Warm surface water from Lake Ontario flows and mingles around the many islands causing the water temperature to “equal out” through all depths! Brockville is known for its lack of thermocline, warm summer waters and good visibility, making the diving experience that much more enjoyable. Late Summer Diving can bring water temperatures up to 75+ degrees, and divers enjoy the St. Lawrence in only 6 mm farmer johns. Both drysuit and wetsuit diving can be experienced in Brockville depending on the time of year. Early spring and late fall dives are mostly enjoyed in a drysuit, but can be done in full 7 mm wet suits with both hoods and gloves. For those not familiar with the Brockville experience, we recommend bringing a full 6 mm wet suit with both a hood and gloves. Due to the number of Zebra mussels in the St. Lawrence river, it is recommended to always wear gloves when diving – and always a clever idea to bring along your diving light!
Driving Directions to : Brockville Adventure Centre. ( AKA Abucs )
Total Drive time 2 hrs- 50 minutes
401 East for 254 KM. Exit 696 Go right on Stewart Blvd toward downtown, Stewart Blvd becomes William Street, keep going and veer left on…………………………………………………………………….
12 Water Street East, Brockville Ontario, Canada, K6V 1A1
Tel: (613) 345-2800
Directions to the location of the Boat will be provided as we get closer to the date of the dives.
Local Accommodations:
Dive sites:
The Robert Gaskin
Built: 1863
Sunk: September 18th. 1889
Depth: 65′ – 70′
Ability: Novice
The Lillie Parsons
Built: 1868
Sunk: August 5th. 1877
Depth: 70′ – 80′
Ability: Novice to Advanced
Built: 1908
Sunk: October 121912
Depth: 20′ TO 110′
Ability: Novice – Advanced
The Muscallonge
Built: April 23, 1896
Sunk: August 15, 1936
Depth: 100′
Ability: Intermediate – Advanced
Henry C. Daryaw
Built: 1919
Sunk: November 21 1941
Depth: 90 feet
Ability: Advanced
Sunk: July 29 1932
Depth: 70 feet
Ability: Advanced
A. E. Vickery
Built: July, 1861
Sunk: August 16, 1889
Depth: 65′ – 118′
Ability: Advanced
Built: 1890’s
Sunk: April 27, 1897
Depth: 92′
Ability: Intermediate – Advanced
Centeen Memorial Dive Park
Created: 2015
Depth: 35 – 40 feet
Ability: Novice