Scarborough, Ontario  

About Our Scuba Club

Our Club was founded in 1961 by a group of scuba diving enthusiasts determined to bring the exploration underwater world to anyone ready to jump in.

Based on a foundation of safety and education SUCI has enabled thousands of scuba divers to start and continue their underwater adventures.

Our Mission

Promoting the sport of scuba diving through safety, adventure, fun, and education since 1961.

Safe Scuba Diving
Safe Scuba Diving is based on great training and good diving practices.
High Quality Training based on PADI Standards
PADI is the most recognized training agency in the world. Your PADI certification will be accepted globally.
Lots of fun Scuba Adventures
SUCI members enjoy lots of organized diving adventures. Members are always looking to share their experience with new divers and make great dive buddies.

Why Choose Us

We have 60 years of experience with a safety record we are proud of. From Professional Scuba Training to Dive Buddies to Social activities our club offers a well-rounded experience.
SUCI members have regular access to the best diving pool in Toronto, the Toronto pan-Am Sports Center (TPASC)

Club Membership

Membership in our Scuba Club is open to all Certified Scuba Divers and with conditions, their Certified Scuba Diving minor children.

Scuba Training

SUCI offers complimentary membership in our Club for the current year, to those enrolling on our PADI Open Water Diver course

Dive Season

SUCI organizes scuba diving adventures in Ontario and matches a Diver's recent diving experience to that necessary for a particular dive. Many SUCI members travel throughout the world during the winter to scuba dive.

Social Activities

Diving is a social sport. SUCI organizes many non-diving events during the year

The cost of Membership in SUCI

Full Diving Membership
$ 170 Per calendar year
  • New members Joining after Sept 1st each year pay just $120
  • Full access to SUCi pool events at TPASC
  • Ontario Underwater Council Liability Insurance $5M
  • Full vote in Club Affairs
Per Calendar year


Frequently Asked Questions

Who We Are
How We Operate
What We Do

A Great Scuba Club

Experienced Scuba Divers

We organize dives and training


What Our Members say

As a lifetime scuba diver, I joined SUCI many years ago. This added new vigor to my diving experience, and I met many new friends
SUCI Secretary and Executive Volunteer
SUCI Volunteer. Past 1st Vice President principally responsible for assembling the dive season. I joined SUCI 12 years ago. SUCI's members are great to dive and socialize with. Members are helpful and always willing to help the community. My wife and 2 of my 3 children are also certified.
Years of Scuba Diving
PADI Certified Training Staff
Annual Dive Adventures
Social events

Our local Dive Shop partners